How can I report inappropriate content on Venmo?
Please report inappropriate content on Venmo:
Identify the inappropriate content
To report an inappropriate profile, post, or photo, tap the three dots in the right-hand corner and select the Report option
- If you want to report an inappropriate profile picture, you need to report the entire Venmo profile
- To report inappropriate group activity, like an inappropriate group expense, tap on the expense in the group feed and then tap Report expense
To report an inappropriate profile, post, or photo, tap the three dots in the right-hand corner and select the Report option
- You'll be taken to a form hosted by our parent company, PayPal
- Select Venmo and fill out the form to the best of your ability
- Tap Send email
Each report is reviewed by our Account Specialists. Regardless of the outcome, Venmo will not provide details of the investigation to the person who submitted the report. We value everyone’s privacy and we’re unable to share details about actions taken on another user’s account.