Making Venmo payments or requests using iMessage
Who can I pay using iMessage?
You can send a Venmo payment using iMessage, even if the recipient doesn’t yet have a Venmo account. They’ll need to sign up for a Venmo account to receive the payment.
You can still send an iMessage payment if the recipient doesn’t have an iPhone. Android users will see a link to accept the payment in an SMS thread. Tapping this link will launch the Venmo app, and they’ll be able to accept the payment.
How do I send a payment or request with iMessage?
You can send a payment or charge request directly from iMessage by following these steps:
- Open a conversation in Messages
- Tap the arrow to the left of the text field and choose the apps icon
- Tap Venmo
- If needed, read and accept our terms and conditions
- Choose Request or Pay
- Type in the amount and note, and then tap the Pay or Request button
- Tap the send arrow to send the iMessage payment bubble
Once the recipient gets the message, they’ll be able to accept your payment.
Keep in mind that the money you send leaves your Venmo account the moment you send a payment. The recipient needs to accept the payment before money is added to their Venmo account.
I don’t see the Venmo option in iMessage
Make sure you’re on iOS 13 or later. If you still don’t see Venmo in iMessage, you may need to enable the extension. Here's how:
- In iMessage, tap the arrow
- Tap the apps icon
- Tap the More option on the far right
- Tap Edit and toggle Venmo to green
Does the recipient get the payment right away?
You can send a Venmo payment using iMessage, even if the recipient doesn’t yet have a Venmo account. They’ll need to sign up for a Venmo account to receive the payment.
I want to cancel my iMessage payment
As long as the recipient hasn’t claimed the payment, you can manually cancel Venmo payments sent via iMessage in the Venmo app. Follow these steps to cancel your unclaimed payment:
- Go to the Me tab
- Find the payment at the top of your Transactions feed
- Cancel the payment
Accepting an iMessage payment
How do I claim the Venmo payment I received via iMessage?
If you’ve received a payment via iMessage, you’ll need to accept it for the money to be added to your Venmo account. If you don’t have a Venmo account, you’ll need to sign up for one first.
You'll need iOS 13 or later installed on your phone to use iMessage with Venmo. If you have a compatible version, follow these steps to claim your payment:
- Tap the iMessage payment bubble that your friend sent in your conversation
- You may be prompted by Apple to update your Venmo app
- Tap Accept Payment
You should see a thumbs-up emoji at the top of the screen once you've successfully claimed the payment.
If you're using an Android device or an older version of iOS, you can follow these steps to claim your payment:
- Tap the link you received via SMS to launch the Venmo app
- Accept the payment
How do I reject the Venmo payment I received via iMessage?
If someone sent you a Venmo payment via iMessage, but you don’t want to claim it, don’t worry. The payment will automatically reverse if it isn’t claimed within 3 days. If the sender wants to take it back sooner, they can do so in the Venmo app.
Sending a Venmo payment or request with Siri
How to send a payment or request with Siri
You can send a Venmo payment or request using Siri with these steps:
- Open Siri by holding the home button, or saying “Hey Siri” if it’s enabled
- Ask Siri to send the payment or request using the following format: “Pay/Request [name of friend] [amount] dollars for [payment note]”
- Ex. “Hey Siri, pay Keith 5 dollars for 'coffee'”
- Ex. “Pay Courtney one dollar for 'thank you'”
- Siri will show you an overview of your payment or request
- Confirm the payment or request details, then say “Yes”
Payments sent using Siri work just like payments in the Venmo app. Please note, Siri cannot be used to pay multiple people at the same time, send payments to usernames, phone numbers, or email addresses, or complete any other non-payment functions.
Who can I pay using Siri?
You can use Siri to send payments to or request money from your friends, friends-of-friends, and people that you’ve transacted with recently on Venmo.
If you’re trying to send a payment to someone and they’re not showing up, try adding them as a friend on Venmo first. This can help Siri find the person you’re trying to pay.