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Transaction History

View your Venmo transaction history

You can view your Venmo transaction history in the app with these steps:

  1.  Go to the Me tab
  2. Tap the "Transactions" toggle below your profile picture to view your recent transactions

To view your transaction history on the web, follow these steps:

  1. Start by signing in to your account at
  2. Click the single-person silhouette at the top of the page to see your feed
  3. Select individual transactions to see more details

Download a statement

If you need to download a statement or view more of your Venmo transaction history at once, you can do so from a web browser. Statements cover one month at a time, so you may need to download multiple statements for longer periods of time.

Follow these steps to download your Venmo account statement:

  1. Sign in to your account at
  2. Click Statements (in the sidebar) 
  3. Use the dropdown menu to select which month and year you want to view or download 
    • To select a different year, click on the year shown at the top of the dropdown menu
  4. Click Download CSV

If you need to see older transactions, we can send you a statement via email. Please contact our Support team to get started.

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