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Bank Accounts & Cards - FAQ

Where can I see my payment methods on Venmo?

If you’re on the Venmo app, go to the "Me" tab and check the Wallet section. You should see a list of the bank accounts and cards that you’ve added to your Venmo account.

What payment methods are accepted by Venmo?

We allow cards registered under your name to be added to Venmo such as:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • Prepaid Cards

Some things to keep in mind: 

  • Currently, it is not possible to add your PayPal card or PayPal account to your Venmo account.  
  • Some payment cards may require a zip code to be linked to be your account.  
  • Cards may be declined by the card issuer or Venmo for funds availability or fraud prevention reasons.  

What do I do if my bank account becomes disconnected from Venmo?

If you receive an error message that says, “We lost connection with your bank,” you’ll need to delete the bank account from your Venmo account and add it back again. This can happen if you update your online banking password.

If you re-add the bank account manually (using your account and routing number), you’ll need to verify it. This process is usually completed within one business day, but it can take up to three business days in some cases.

If you need to make a payment urgently, consider adding a debit card to your Venmo account.

Learn more about Venmo fees.

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Invalid Bank Account