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Notification Settings

Customize your Venmo notification settings

Follow these steps in your Venmo app to customize which notifications you receive from us: 

  1. Go to the Me tab by tapping your picture or initials 
  2. Tap the Settings gear in the top right 
  3. Tap Notifications 
  4. Customize the alerts to your personal preference  

Email notifications cannot be turned off for the following:  

  • Payment sent  
  • Monthly or quarterly statements  
  • Emails about your cryptocurrency purchases and sale 

If you have a business or charity profile in addition to your personal profile, you can adjust the notifications for each profile separately. In the Venmo app, tap the dropdown menu at the top of the Me tab to toggle between your profiles, then adjust the individual settings.

What happens if I opt into "Account and Product Updates" or "Discounts and Promotions"? 

Some Venmo users have two additional options for push notifications. If you opt-in to Account and Product updates, you will receive push notifications about your account. This can include notifications that you have money in your Venmo account or a reminder that your Venmo Debit Card is arriving.

If you opt into Discounts and Promotions, you will receive notifications about different merchant offers available with Venmo.

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